I enjoy interacting with students and have been a Teaching Assistant in the following courses.
- (Advanced) Ethical Hacking (MSc/PhD - EN2720/EP3370, lecturer: Pontus Johnson, KTH 💻
- Applied Cryptography (MSc - DD2520), lecturer: Sonja Buchegger, KTH 🔐
- Computer Security (MSc - DD2395), lecturer: Sonja Buchegger, KTH 🖥️
- Cryptography (BSc/MSc - 150312), lecturer: Eike Kiltz, RUB 🔏
- Cryptography (BSc/MSc - 150312), lecturer: Nils Fleischhacker, RUB 🔏
- Hardware Security (BSc - IL1333), lecturer: Elena Dubrova, KTH 🔌
- Project in Information and Communication Technology (BSc - II1305), lecturer: Fredrik Lundevall, KTH 📊